Ask-A-Boss #010 - Become The Best Version Of Yourself by Naomi D Brown
There are plenty of people that treat their jobs as “Investors”. They use their job to fund their business and start making the changes slowly to become a business owner and transitioning slowly out of corporate. First find time to start. Work on it on weekends, days off, an hour after you get home, when the kids go to sleep, 15 mins every morning, or something just to get things going.
Ask-A-Boss #009 Don’t Just Win, Dominate by Naomi D Brown
Whatever you do to create a dominating winning attitude, keep in mind you started a business
because you had a unique product or approach to solving a problem. Translation; you know
what you are doing. Even if you don’t get the contract or funds, you are still a winner and it’s
getting you one step closer to your next yes! You got this, so let’s get it done!
Share a winning experience with the Her Corner community to help inspire a fellow boss.
Ask-A-Boss #008 Communication Is Key
There are plenty of people that treat their jobs as “Investors”. They use their job to fund their business and start making the changes slowly to become a business owner and transitioning slowly out of corporate. First find time to start. Work on it on weekends, days off, an hour after you get home, when the kids go to sleep, 15 mins every morning, or something just to get things going.
Ask-A-Boss #007 To Quit Or Not To Quit, That Is The Question...
With all the political enemies we have in the current administration, much of the water cooler discussions come back to immigration reform which is a deeply personal topic to me. How do I navigate these touchy subjects?
Ask-A-Boss #006
QTNA: I want tourists to learn more about the hidden gems of my city. Who would be a good person to share that information with at a hotel?
Ask-A-Boss #005 Too Much Authenticity?
Jasmine asks: As a businesswoman how do you show pride for your culture without "doing too much"? Is there such a thing as too much authenticity?
3 Leadership Skills That Separate Leaders From Bosses [REPOST]
If you want to be seen as a leader rather than as a boss, follow these three practices to grow your leadership skills. (Repost from American Express)
Ask-A-Boss #004 What To Do About Touchy Subjects
With all the political enemies we have in the current administration, much of the water cooler discussions come back to immigration reform which is a deeply personal topic to me. How do I navigate these touchy subjects?
Ask-A-Boss: #003 Working With Romance
QTNA: Is it ever a good idea to work with a romantic partner?
Ask-A-Boss: #002 Finding Time To Network
Newbie At Networking Asks: I don't know how to network on the job or even in my field. Where should I even start?
Ask-A-Boss: #001 Professional vs. Personal
Stephanie asks: How do I undo my mistake of mixing business with my personal life and make my manager see me as a colleague with opinions to be respected rather than a bestie to complain to?
What Diversifying Your Clientele Means For Safety & Growth
As painful as the 35-day government shutdown and subsequent stalemate between congressional representatives and President Trump was to experience, no one felt the effects more than federal workers and government contractors going without pay. But there is one MAJOR lesson we can take away from all of this.
It’s Time To Be The Grown Up [REPOST]
Often, as we begin to scale our companies and build capacity, we make the mistake of assuming that everything is suddenly going to run on its own.
Are Certifications and Licenses Crucial to Developing My Business?
These two factors will keep your head on straight as you chase that next credential.
These Four Go-To's Will Save Us All From Ourselves
Author Tiffany Dufu says that working women have to implement regular and repeatable practices that allow us to flourish. She calls them the 4 go-tos. Can you guess what they are?
What Investing In Yourself Really Looks Like
Sound investing requires an instinct for potential and value, the ability to allocate resources where they are needed to see improvements, and more. Here’s how you can invest in yourself today.
How To Set Quarterly Goals That Get Results
Too often we get overwhelmed with the details and lose focus midway through the process of achieving the goals we set out to accomplish. Let’s fix that now.