Ask-A-Boss #005 Too Much Authenticity?

I love that you’re a black woman unafraid to be yourself. As a businesswoman how do you show pride for your culture without “doing too much”?
— Jasmine

“Doing too much” is relative so it's best to just be authentic. We all have days that we doubt ourselves, but think of other women who have it better or worse than you and know we all have one thing in common. We are fabulous! Just keep in mind, if someone wears all polo or all polka dots, we think to ourselves that's doing too much or she’s rocking that! You have the opportunity to show up as yourself and ROCK your heritage proudly. Consider what is appropriate for the setting and that less is more on a daily but it's always ok to over do it once in a while.

Get it done,



Ask-A-Boss #006


3 Leadership Skills That Separate Leaders From Bosses [REPOST]