Ask-A-Boss #004 What To Do About Touchy Subjects

I’m a first generation American and my parents are immigrants. With all the political enemies we have in the current administration, much of the water cooler discussions come back to immigration reform which is a deeply personal topic to me. It’s a cause I care about very much but how do I stand firm in my pride for where I come from without feeling like I’m the person that’s responsible to call out bigotry, zenophobia, and hate?
— Oyuunchimeg

It's not your job to speak for everyone while at your job. I am not suggesting you compromise your beliefs or ignore things that are against them. However, we live in a time where most people are very firm in their views and are not going to change their entire belief system because of one conversation with you.

Learning about immigration and the value that comes from diversity is something people have to experience over time and through personal relationships / exposure. You can have more impact volunteering or inviting someone to volunteer with you and let organic experiences be the true teacher. Everything does not require your verbal input. Part of being diplomatic in the work place is recognizing what to say, when to say it, how to say it, and to whom. This is your opportunity to develop and grow as well.

Get it done,



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