Growth Principles from Her Corner Leadership Past and Present!

Frédérique Irwin, Founder Her Corner: Follow the data. A hunch is not enough to operate a business on. While women have great intuition, we should rely more on facts when making business decisions. It shows trends, gaps, successes and gives your team a roadmap other than the one in your brain to utilize and make informed choices.

Kimberly Berger, Former Co-Owner: No discounts. Having a sale occasionally is not the same as providing a quote to a customer and then reducing it for any reason other than they are doing enormous volume. It sets the standard that  the price you give is up constantly negotiable not to mention a record keeping nightmare of inputting different codes and prices for the same service/product. You will never make a profit and it’s not scalable. Which leads to our next principle.

Naomi Brown - Current CEO & Owner - If it doesn’t make dollars, It doesn’t make sense. I am not in the habit of quoting myself. However, this principle took me a while to master and I want to share it with you.  You are in business because you have a special solution to or take o a problem for which you should get paid! If all the time and effort you put into the business is not resulting in a profit now or in the near future, it’s likely a hobby. You may consider investing less in that hobby and finding another career.  I’m just saying.
